Alice McKnight
1 min readJun 7, 2022


How to get books — CHEAP

I haven’t paid full price for a book in over a year. Granted, there haven’t been any particular books that I’ve sought out by name. By remaining open to the books I can get at a discount, not only have I saved money, but I’ve also unearthed some true story gems that I may have never found otherwise.

I use Bookbub to get alerts whenever an ebook goes on sale, and I can even get books for free! It’s easy to make an account, and once you’re in, all you have to do is let Bookbub know what type of books you would like alerts for. Currently, mine is set to alert me for any books in the fantasy, romance, and teen genres.

If you’re worried about getting too many alerts in your inbox, don’t worry. Bookbub consolidates all of its alerts into one daily email curated to your preferences. I give mine a quick scroll in the morning to see if anything sticks out, and so far I have enough books to last me the next two years and I’ve barely spent a dime.

In addition, Bookbub has a bookshelf feature similar to that of Goodreads in which you can mark which books you own and are currently reading. It combines the social features with its main attraction: the DEALS!



Alice McKnight

Books, anime, TV series, and all forms of storytelling.