Alice McKnight
3 min readFeb 23, 2023


Golden Time
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Rating: PG-13

Golden Time (2013) is a popular anime series that captured the hearts of many viewers with its dramatic storyline and humorous moments. However, one character in particular had me thinking about this anime long after its fans had forgotten about it, not for her charm but for her creepiness. That character is Kouka Kaga.

Kouka, who is a first-year law student and the protagonist’s (Tada Banri’s) love interest, is often referred to as the “creepy stalker girl” by other characters. From the beginning, she displays strange and obsessive behavior towards her initial crush, Mitsuo, and later Banri, following the boys everywhere they go, writing love letters, and lying to fellow students by insisting that they are Mitsuo’s/Banri’s girlfriend. While Banri finds these actions cute or romantic, they quickly become creepy and uncomfortable, especially when she refuses to take no for an answer.

Now, obsessive characters are a dime a dozen, especially in romance anime. It’s the “thrill of the chase” that drives the plot forward, after all. However, Kouka’s actions go beyond what would be considered an endearing amount of possessiveness or obsession and borders yandere territory. There is no shortage of yandere girls in anime either, but Kouka is different. Kouka’s behavior is not only creepy but dangerous, and her lack of…



Alice McKnight

Books, anime, TV series, and all forms of storytelling.